Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Suddenly Seeking

Originally uploaded by Anahata Katkin

Vickie Hallmark tagged me, who was tagged by Catherine Witherell to share "What are you about right now?". Feel free to join in! Just remember to link back to this post so everyone will be able to see what others are writing.
I'm suddenly seeking:
Patience for: teething baby, loud neighbors, smoothing joints and final sandings
Practicing: kindness, listening better, empathy, hollow forms, links and organizing
Looking for: the perfect dress, comfy shoes that go w/ everything, the willpower to lose the baby weight, the time/money to take a class/buy pieces from Celie Fago, Diana Fayt, Andrea Guarino, Mary and Lou Ann, Robert Dancik, Susan Lenart Kazmer, Angela Gerhard
scented drawer papers, this room, some delicious korean food, pots de creme,
a girls' night out at Fifi's
follow thru
Improving at: prioritizing, organizing, not procrastinating, de-cluttering
crashing waves, blue, clear skies, soaring birds, chubby little hands, the sound of my son's laughter, hugs, family, crisp sheets, feathers, fog, Hwy 1, lavendar: the color and scent, her artwork, travel, Italy, gelato, stone houses, poppies, gondolas, mosaics, Etsy, her blog, lucid dreaming, ideas journal, enameling, peonies
Always seeking: beauty


Vickie Hallmark said...

Kindred souls, we are! Thanks for the new-to-me jewelry, Mary & Lou Ann -- hadn't seen that before, but I like it.

Aja Vaz said...

If you like them, I'd recommend checking out and look under jewelry- they have lots of talented artists with gorgeous work.