Periodically, Moo will send me emails w/ updates on their products, etc. and this morning I noticed one about a free website thru Moonfruit. I heart Moo and order my business cards and mini moo cards from them. I set up a free website, so now I can actually put up a url for a website rather than using my blog, lol. There is also an option to add a shopping cart so you can sell directly thru them w/ PayPal.
I'm not sure how this site compares to others, but I've always been intimidated w/ code since I'm not that computer literate and you can drag and drop which saves lots of time. Feel free to drop a comment and share your experience w/ Moonfruit or other similar sites.
Here is my
new website- let me know what you think :)
One thing I'm not crazy with right off the bat is the whole having to add moonfruit in the url instead of just my name. They do have an option to buy a domain name and I *think* you can change it to that w/o using moonfruit in the url.
P.S. Have you tried CiM's new color, Mermaid? Holy guac, it's soooo beautiful! I'll try and get pics for tomorrow.